Gallery 5: Modern and Contemporary Prints
This gallery features woodblock prints by artists who are generally considered to have come after the shin-hanga (new prints) and sōsaku-hanga (creative prints) movements. These lines are not always clear however, particularly in regards to several sosaku-hanga artists who contributed prints to the woodblock printed calendars from which many of these prints derive. These prints speak to the sensitivities of the late 20th and early 21st century, not only in regards to style, but also in the introduction of new colors including pastels. In general, these prints. are more simple, decorative, and frequently playful in regards to subject matter and their representation.
Fujita Yoshiko (b. 1942)
Seaside Shells. August from a 2012 Calendar. 15.8 x 10.1 cm
Joichi Hoshi (1913-1979)
Tree-Evening. No. 26 of 75. 1973. 15.7 x 8.3 cm
Joichi Hoshi (1913-1979)
Spring Moon. 1976. 18.5 x 12.4 cm
Kobayashi Makoto
Autumn Serenade. October from a 2012 Calendar. 13.7 x 9.8 cm
Nakaguro Chika (b. 1964)
French Vermillion. From a 2007 Calendar published by Hachiseikai. No. 194 of 250. 11.5 x 8.4 cm
The following five prints by Ohno Takashi accompanied five prints by Ino Eiji in a series of prints depicting Portuguese landscapes. Ohno also created the design for the envelope for the print sets. Each print was matched with a sheet identifying the artist and a phrase associated with the print. The translated phrases are derived from translation software and will be modified as better translations become available.
Ohno Takashi (b. 1952)
Angel Wings. “Absorbing the Sound of the Koto”. 1996. 8.5 x 10.9 cm
Oshita Yuka (b.1971)
Green Day. 15.3 x 20.7 cm
Sakamoto Tomio
Railway Bridge. November from a 2012 Calendar. 9.6 x 10.2 cm
Shusui Taki (b. 1938)
I (Boar) III. 2006. 10.5 x 15.5 cm
Shusui Taki (b. 1938). Tori (Rooster) III. Hors d'Commerce.. 2004. 10.4 x 15.4 cm
Shusui Taki (b. 1938)
Ushi (Ox) III. No. 7 of 200. 2008. 10.5 x 15.5 cm
Shusui Taki (b. 1938).
Saru (Monkey) II. No. 7 of 200. 2003. 10.2 x 15.4 cm
Shusui Taki (b. 1938)
Saru (Monkey). Hors d'Commerce. 1992. 18.1 x 11.0 cm
Sugisawa Osamu
Design for a Greeting Card. From Hanga 39. 1988. 9.6 x 16.9 cm
Tejima Keizaburō (b. 1935)
15th Night (Autumn Moon Viewing). From Modern Print Calendar, 1995. Published by Chikuhōdō. 11.9 x 10.3 cm
Kiyomizu-dera. 9.2 x 12.8 cm
Gion District. 9.2 x 12.8 cm
These five prints of sites in Kyoto are by a yet to be identified artist. They were tipped into the cards in a box of holiday greeting cards published by Uchida dating from the 1970s.
San-mon at Chion-in. 9.2 x 12.8 cm
Yasaka-no-to Pagoda, Kyoto. 9.2 x 12.8 cm
Sōryūrō at Heian Shrine. 9.2 x 12.8 cm