Gallery 9G: Postcard Prints by Hasegawa Sadanobu III
This gallery primarily includes works by Hasegawa Sadanobu III but possibly others from the Hasagawa family line. The occasional question of artist attribution is due to the overlapping artistic careers within the family as well as the recurrent use of the Sadanobu and Konobu names. Sadanobu I (1809-1879) was the first artist in the line. Sadanobu II (1848-1940) used the artist name Konobu (Konobu 1) until the death of his father at which time he took on the Sadanobu name. His younger brother produced some prints which were also signed Konobu and is considered to be Konobu II; he never had the opportunity to inherit the Sadanobu name due to his early death in 1886 at age 20. Sadanobu III (1881-`1963), the son of Sadanobu II (Konobu I), also used the name Konobu (III) up until his father’s death in 1940. The naming tradition continued with Sadanobu IV (Konobu IV)(1914-1999) and Sadanobu V (Konobu IV)(b. 1946) who used Konobu until ascending to the Sadanobu name in 2003. Confounding the situation further, is a lack of consensus of the above historical naming sequence in the literature.
Possibly Nakamura Sanzaemon in an unidentified play. 9.0 x 14.1 cm
Unidentified Actor Portraying the Moon Rabbit Pounding Mochi. in the play Tama Usagi. 1939 Rabbit New Year Card. 9.0 x 14.2 cm
Bunroku Scene. Tiger New Year Card. 1938. 14.8 x 9.3 cm
Doll and Tiger. Tiger New Year Card. 1938. 9.2 x 14.2 cm